Source 20 pg.2:  Membership application form, Men's League for Women's Suffrage

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The Men's League for Women's Suffrage was founded by Herbert Jacobs in 1907 with the aim of using men's political power to support the women's suffrage movement.

[Shelfmark: Acc. 3721/148 (2)]


To the Hon.Secs.,

Men's League for Women's Suffrage

38, Museum Street, London, W.C.

Dear Sirs

Men's League for Women's Suffrage

Class A. I am willing to become a Member of the above League with the object of promoting the Political Enfranchisement of Women under Class A, and will pledge myself to vote against, or abstain from voting for, Parliamentary Candidates supporting any Government or Party which has not adopted a measure for the Enfranchisement of Women.

Dated the ... day of ... 1907.

Full signature ...

Address ...

Occupation ...

Constituencies for which I have votes ...

I enclose £ ..:   s. ... d. as a subscription to the League.